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REACH for Nepal Foundation

Trekking4Nepal Earthquake Resilient Classrooms Nepal 2024

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REACH for Nepal Foundation (RFN) provides aid in Gandaki Province of Western Nepal – delivering both infrastructure developments and humanitarian aid projects.

In 2023, RFN started building Earthquake Resilient Classrooms (ERC’s) in Nepal. The ERC design won a category in the recent Good Design Awards in Australia.

These classrooms are not only safer for the children but also are built to last for generations.

Trekking4Nepal team is teaming up with REACH for Nepal to fundraise & build a set of Earthquake Resilient Classrooms in Western Nepal later this year. 

The details of the school will be publsihed soon. Typically, we build infrastructure where the buildings are old and damaged with some classrooms requiring urgent renovation. The devastating earthquake in 2015 highlighted the critical need for reinvestment in safe and resilient school infrastructure.

Here is a link to a YouTube for a classroom that was fundraised and built in another district which gives a good indication of what it will look like.

By providing improved learning environments, the foundation aims to empower future generations and foster a sense of hope and progress among the villagers. We believe that education is the key to a brighter future, and this project aligns perfectly with our objectives, which is to Rebuild, Educate, Assist, Children/Communities (giving) Hope (REACH) for Nepal.  

Please be aware that all donations to the RFN Foundation fund projects in Nepal with the organisation here in Australia run entirely by volunteers.  You can help this vulnerable community rebuild their classrooms with all donations above $2 being tax deductible.


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