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Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers Inc

Native Animal Rescue

Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers is a non-profit, volunteer organisation that has been making a difference to the lives of the Tweed's sick, injured, orphaned and displaced native animals since 1989.

Our area is home to three world heritage listed National Parks and two world heritage listed reserves and boasts the most biologically diverse environment in NSW.  We are the only group licensed under the National Parks and Wildlife Services of NSW to rescue and rehabilitate wildlife in this diverse area. We offer the community a free public service 24/7, 365 days a year, rain, hail or shine.

Our members received regular and certified training in the appropriate rescue, handling and rehabilitation requirements for the many and varied species we take into our care.  However, saving our precious wildlife is an expensive task and our group relies almost exclusively on our members footing the bills for the work they do, as well as membership subscriptions and donations from the community to help us respond to the thousands of calls we receive every year. Learn about some of the Tweed's species, or read about some of our success stories, on our website at

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PO Box 898


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