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Victoria Walks Inc

Victoria Walks Appeal


How will funds be used?

Your donation will support us to:

  • Provide more Walking Maps across Victoria, including the regions
  • Empower families, schools and councils to put children on track to healthier lifestyles
  • Influence government, councils and road authorities to invest in walking for transport and recreation, to make our streets and green spaces safer and more appealing for walking.

Victoria Walks® (A0052693U) is a health-promotion charity focused on getting more people walking more every day. We are managed by an independent, voluntary board (ABN 88419420305). We are a unique organisation in Australia, representing the needs of walking and walkers.

Find out here some of the ways we are leading the change for a more walkable world and read our Strategic Plan.

Our Walking Maps website is extremely popular, with thousands of free, online maps to inspire your Victorian walking adventures! Support us to map more great walks!

Our Facebook page has over 110,000 followers, but we need financial support to keep our Walking Maps site going. Why not make a tax-deductible donation now?



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Contact Details

Level 8, 225 Bourke St

Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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