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Wombat Rescue

Burrows of Hope: Wombat Sanctuary Fund

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This project aims to secure rural land, creating a safe haven for wombat releases. Vast, mange-free, near a river, it will aid many future releases for wombats but also other native species that need a safe haven. For wombats needing additional support like Edward Teddy, spacious enclosures will be custom built to help the transition.

Wombats encounter significant challenges. Orphans, injured and sick wombats are rescued by wildlife rescuers, rehabilitated and prepared for release back into the wild. But issues arise finding suitable lands for release. Satisfactory sites are scarce. Smaller properties can only support a small number of releases. Sarcoptic mange has afflicted most wombat populations, and culling by neighbouring rural landholders and busy rural roads can further diminish availability of suitable release sites.

The purchase of a large bush property will provide sanctuary and refuge to rescued wombats. It will enable us to release wombats year on year for the long-term. This property will be a safe haven for those wombats in care that need to be released and those that need ongoing support and transitioning. We can build large enclosures that are self-sustainable, and other infrastructure for those wombats needing extra support. This project will also provide an ideal space for scientific research.

Long-Term Impact
Finding suitable release sites for rehabilitated wombats is fraught with pitfalls and unfortunate results. Wombats suffer as a result, from territorial attacks, mange, road collisions and culling . A large sanctuary and refuge will mitigate these harms. Our hand-raised orphans and carefully nurtured sick wombats will be able to safely transition back into the wild. This will enable us to release a significant number of wombats every year.


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