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Connecting Country (Mount Alexander Region) Inc

A Christmas gift of hope: Habitat for Woodland Birds

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Mrs Riddall


309 days ago



312 days ago



313 days ago



314 days ago

Jess Lawton


316 days ago

Many Woodland Birds of central Victoria have experienced population declines over the past few decades, with many locally occurring species threatened with extinction.

These include the Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata), and south eastern subspecies of Hooded Robin (Melanodryas cucullata cucullata), and Brown Treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus victoriae) which are listed as threatened under the Federal Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.

We are launching our 'Christmas Gift for Woodland Birds' campaign and asking our community to give the gift of habitat for our local wildlife this Christmas.

$20 plant 2 habitat and food plants to support woodland birds

$50 plant 5 habitat and food plants to support woodland birds

$150 purchases and installs a nest box for wildlife

$500 supports the establishment of a habitat corridor

$1000 can support landscape-scale carbon sinks and habitat corridors

With every gift, you are helping Connecting Country to plant vital habitat and restore our degraded woodlands. As well as removing carbon from the atmosphere, these woodlands create habitat and ecosystems for our most treasured birds and other endangered wildlife. Do more than wish for change this Christmas. Take action to continue this important work today and restore our landscapes for your loved ones and future generations.


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