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Connecting First Nations Communities with Philanthropy

Every community should have equitable access to philanthropic funding, so they can address place-based needs and determine their own future. 

Yet, only 0.5% of philanthropic funding reaches the 3.8% of the Australian community that need it most: First Nations peoples. 

Your donation will help to ensure that First Nations communities have access to the philanthropic funding they need to achieve their self-determined goals. You will be supporting Woor-Dungin to:

🖤 Empower First Nations communities

💛 Decolonise philanthropy

❤️ Build respectful relationships between these two groups

We do this through meaningful engagement, training programs focussed on funding, governance, and business development, and programs that address the ongoing impact of colonial structures.

Together, we can make sure First Nations communities have the resources and finances to be in control of their own destiny. 

We truly value your ongoing support. Please consider making a recurring donation.

Donations over $2 are tax deductable. 

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Contact Details

Rm 2.15B, Floor 2, Ross House 247-251 Flinders Lane

(03) 9639 9757

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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