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The University of Cape Town Australian Trust

Raising funds for scholarships and student-led programs

The UCT Australia Trust - Promising Future Funds paving the way for future leaders

Your support has a huge impact in relieving the financial strain many students face and can pave the way for future leaders. Any contribution has a meaningful impact.

A one-time contribution of $1,000 to the UCT Australia Promising Futures Fund can enable multiple students to fulfill their graduation aspirations.
Alternatively, a monthly commitment as modest as $50 can make a tangible difference in the lives of deserving students.


We believe in the power of the collective. Working together, we can each make a difference in a young person's life.

UCT continues to show resilience as a leading university on the world's stage, despite the impact of the past few years. I want to thank you for your ongoing support and commitment as we continue to raise funds to support UCT in their mission to unleash the potential in these young students who have the world within their grasp.

Why Support UCT

The past few years have been tough for the world, South Africa and the University of Cape Town. UCT has once again shown our resilience.

Despite the challenges, we continue to excel. Our students come from South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world to study because of our proven excellence. 

Why do we consistently rank so highly globally?

There are many reasons, but one is the unique leadership we instil in our students. We ask you to help us by supporting our student leaders to continue making a positive impact in our underserved local communities. 

Processing Fees

Thank you in advance for your generous donation. If you do not wish to add a little extra to help cover fees, please remove the “Cover platform fee” Option at the payment stage. If you'd prefer to make a donation via direct debit, click here to download the UCT Australian Trust 2024 Appeal Pledge Form.


Contact Details

PO BOX 785


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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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