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Zelman Memorial Symphony Orchestra Inc.

Zelman Memorial Symphony Orchestra Donations Fund

Zelman Memorial Symphony Orchestra Inc. is a not-for-profit community orchestra and has presented concerts for over 90 years.

The orchestra has a unique mix of players who love music.  Young adults continue their playing beyond high school/university, professionals from various careers who play for sheer joy, amateurs, and retired professional musicians join together with precision, power and passion. 

Zelman Symphony supports our local community, performs regularly in regional venues and offers valuable performance opportunities to both soloists and up-and-coming composers. 

Your donation to the orchestra will allow us to continue presenting memorable concerts, in major venues, with exciting repertoire. 

Zelman Symphony invites tax deductible donations to support its 2024 Season.  We are specifically seeking donations to help us fund the commissioning of a new work from Linda Kouvaras for the last concert of our 2024 season. At the same concert, 13 year old Melbourne born Nicholas Feng will be playing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with us. In 2024, Nicholas will be studying at the Yehudi Menuhin School in London and will fly back to Melbourne for this concert. We would welcome tax deductible donations to help cover the cost of his flight to Melbourne and back to London.


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U602 369 High Street

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