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Zig Zag Young Women's Resource Centre Inc

Zig Zag General Appeal

Zig Zag was established in 1988 to respond to the many unmet needs of young women, specifically in the area of sexual violence support and prevention, and homelessness prevention. Whilst Zig Zag receives recurrent funding for our programs from the Queensland Government, each year we face an increasing demand for specialist services with limited resources. The onset of a global pandemic in 2020 has once again highlighted the nature of structural inequality as COVID19 disproportionately impacted marginalised young women who experienced increased rates of violence, homelessness, and unemployment; and endured significant disruptions to their education, and loss of social connections and support. Please dig deep and generously to assist Zig Zag in our continued support of young women who are marginalised and most disadvantaged in our community.

Key Areas of Expenditure

  • Independent living support and brokerage to assist young women to sustain their housing tenancies 
  • Brokerage support to assist young women to access essential services including phone credit, transport fares, child care 
  • Emergency food vouchers
  • Group activities and events for young women and their children
  • Therapeutic resources for young women accessing counselling
  • Community education activities, events, and resources for the prevention of sexual violence and youth homelesness 

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Contact Details

575 Old Cleveland Road

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