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310 days ago

Miranda Whitten


314 days ago

Kylie Heib


329 days ago

Chloe Samarakoon


332 days ago

Catherine Gill


333 days ago



335 days ago

Terry Mcnab


340 days ago



342 days ago

Each year Frankston Life Community Inc. host a huge Christmas lunch  on Christmas Day at the Frankston Arts Centre 27 – 37 Davey Street Frankston  – thanks to the support of the Frankston City Council and the Arts Centre community! 

For many in our community, Christmas is not a happy time.  They may have lost a loved one, are far from family and friends, or perhaps unemployed or just simply lonely. But for the last 22 years that has changed for hundreds of Frankston people who celebrated a free Christmas lunch, hosted by Frankston Life on Christmas Day.

This great event has been made possible by the many wonderful volunteers and supporters who come together to make our Christmas Lunch such a memorable day.


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19 Steibel Place

(03) 9770 0660

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