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R U OK? Limited

R U OK? A conversation could change a life

R U OK? is a national harm prevention charity.

Our mission is to inspire and empower people to meaningfully connect with those in their world and lend support when they are struggling with life.

Thanks to your gift, R U OK? can help friends, family, colleagues and neighbours feel more connected and protected from suicide.

We're a registered Australian charity, so donations over $2 are tax deductible. With your donation we can help start more life-changing conversations by:

  • Creating new campaigns and free resources to inspire regular, meaningful conversations
  • Training and supporting a network of Community Ambassadors who have lived experience of suicide and are available to talk to workplaces, schools and community groups across Australia
  • Training and supporting a network of Workplace Champions who promote peer-to-peer support and regular meaningful conversations amongst colleagues in the workplace

You can find out more about us and the impact a conversation can have at

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65 Berry Street

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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